Sunday 24 March 2013

Week 9

Hi all,

This week is a busy one, leading up to Easter and a very special one in the Catholic Church.  On Sunday we celebrated the beginning of Holy Week, which preceeds the death and ressurection of Jesus, with Palm Sunday.  During the course of the upcoming week we will be discussing the things that occured during this week and the importance of Easter as a celebration of Jesus'  ressurection.

On Wednesday at 10am we will have a Liturgy at school.  On this day we will also re enact the Last Supper so the children will need to bring their Jesus clothes please.
 On Thursday we will take part in some Easter craft.

We welcome two new children this week.  They are Sophie and Jayda.  We hope that these two girls will feel very at home in Room 13 and enjoy their time with us.  I would like to congratulate the children on their splendid effort helping the new and younger children.  They have made me so proud over the last week.  I am sure Aarav and Ella have appreciated it.

On Wednesday we also welcome Luana from the Incredible Years Course I am currently taking part in.  Luana will be in Room 13 to observe me using Labeled Praise.  The idea of this is that I praise  the specific, positive behaviours and ignore the negative behaviours.  Hopefully this will encourage the children to seek praise by doing the right thing. 

This week we will be looking at ordering random numbers in mathematics from biggest to smallest, writing stories focusing on going on to the next word or idea without needing a prompt from the teacher and continuing our guided reading programme as well as completing some running records ( testing)in reading.  A big part of our week will be focused on  Holy Week where we will investigate what happened to Jesus during the last week of his life, as well as some Easter fun later in the week.

The children are well and truly into their school routines now and last week following a Literacy Observation, we were congratulated on our awesome organisation in Room 13 and the lovely behaviour exhibited by the kids when working independently.  I, as usual, was very proud and once again I have to say, it is because we are the best class in the school.
 Please remember to help the children continue this by encouraging them to carry their own bag into school, put it in their cubby hole and by placing their book bag into the green bucket.  After the chairs are put down, the children are free to choose until the second bell goes.  Now that our numbers are up to 18, it is super important that the children can:
*put their shoes on by themselves
*open and close their bag and lunch box
*change themselves into their togs and back into their uniforms
*pack their school bag at the end of the day
My time is much better spent on teaching so some practice at home would be much appreciated.  Most of the children are absolutely super and are quite capable so well done parents!

Thank you once again for your ongoing support with everything, have a very happy and Holy Easter.


  1. Hi Annie...Aarav is enjoying his's a compliment to you and room 13 kids that on weekend he was missing his class.... Thanks to your efforts...Aarav's mom

  2. Yes, many thanks to you for being such a wonderful teacher. I'm sure your observers are giving you great feedback..! Angela.
