Wednesday 13 March 2013

WE WIN!!!!!!!

Congratulations to the children and parents from Room 13.  We were the overall winners of the Gala points and as a result will be shouted Pizza by the Gala committee next Friday the 22nd.  We were so excited when our class was called out, we all jumped up in the air and cheered.

We would like to thank our lovely (competitive) parents for all their support with our goal to win the Gala points and to invite you all for lunch on Friday the 22nd at 12:30.  Please RSVP to let us know if you can make it.  We look forward to seeing you there and sharing our success with you.
From the Room 13 kids 


  1. Whoop whoop, well done - room 13 rocks!!!

  2. How great - we will be there on Friday to celebrate! (Angela and Matilda)
