Tuesday 5 February 2013


Welcome to Room 13 and our very first blog post.  Room 13 is a class of gorgeous 5 year olds and this blog will showcase some of our lovely work  and experiences as we move along our 2013 Learning journey.  We are all being introduced to blogs and when I have mastered blogging, the children will be encouraged to add their own posts. Please bear with us as we all learn together.
Here we are having our morning tea together.  Our class is growing all the time and today we would like to welcome Max and Jacob.  I know the lovely kids of Room 13 are going to make them both feel welcome.
Tomorrow, Friday, I will be attending a Professional Development workshop.  Mrs Kusabs will be in the classroom with the children.  It is important for me to keep up with what is happening in education so there will be days where I am out of the classroom.  We have a great group of relievers and the children have already grasped the class routines beautifully.  I will be back in action on Monday.
Many thanks for your super effort getting the children to school on time, having all their stationery and being down stairs on time to pick them up.  It is a great support to me and them having wonderful parents.
Please write the children's reading in their log each night so that I can see what they have been doing.  Most of us are concentrating on pointing to each word as we read it, recognising some basic words and discussing the picture.  Lots of practice of our poems, phonics books and word books will help consolidate the letters, sounds and basic words.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to you Annie - what a wonderful job you're doing of settling our little ones into school life. I know Max is having a great time so far! He told his sister in the car on Friday, 'school's pretty fun Matilda, one day you'll get to go too.' Then he was disappointed it was the weekend! 'I want to go everyday - even on the weekends and holidays.' Such relief to me that he feels enthused to be there.. :)
