Friday 22 February 2013

A busy week!

We have had so much happening this week, we have had to be extremely flexible and we have done this very well!  We have had some lovely learning and the children are so settled, already following the routines and reminding each other of the Golden Rules.  Yipee for them!  Here is an outline of some of the things we have learnt this week.

Printing- We are learning how to start our printing at the margin on the left and move right, beginning our letters on the dot and sitting them on the line.  The children could practice writing their names at home, particularly if there is a letter they are reversing.

Storywriting - This is going very well in Room 13 with lots of children already sounding out new words on their own and finding basic words on their word chart.  I am impressed.  We are learning how to say our story, start with a capital letter and hear and record the first sound of new words.  We are also practising finding familiar words like I, like, going, we, went, to, look and like on our word cards. Some of the older children are learning how to underline a word try and write more using words like because & and.

Mathematics - We do not have our groups sorted yet in mathematics but we have been identifying numbers to 10 and the number before and after, also counting forward to 20 and back again (50 for the older kids). We have aslo been figuring out what makes 5 and what makes 10 as well as using measuring language such as longer, shorter, bigger, smaller and comparing objects size.

Religious Education - We are learning about Jesus and how he lived a long time ago.  We are comparing games he played, clothes he wore, the house he lived in and food her ate.  Next week we will have a feast and eat only food that Jesus would have eaten.  I will send a note home re this on Monday.  We are even going to dress up in clothes that Jesus would have worn.

PE - We have had swimming every day this week, thank goodness because it has been soooooo hot!  The children are practising blowing bubbles out with their faces in the water, kicking with straight legs and floppy feet, floating like star fish on their fronts and backs and kicking across the pool with a flotation device.  We have also been practising Athletics today with Mr Trask and we have some great athletes in Room 13.

Finally we have been talking about Communities and particularly our school community.  Who is in it and what jobs they do.  We did some great cooperative writing today, you can see it on our wall in the classroom. You will also see WALHT on our wall.  It stands for We Are Learning How To..... and is concerned with the children knowing exactly what they are learning and why.  Hopefully, you will be able to ask your child what they are learning in a curriculum area and they will be able to tell you.  Again I say hopefully.
Have a great weekend,


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