Friday 15 February 2013

Hands to ourselves

Hi parents, we are having some minor problems in the classroom with keeping our hands to ourselves.  It is usually merely through frustration and some language barriers that this is occuring.  I will need your support over the next few weeks with regards to reminding your child about what is expected at school. We are gentle, we are kind and helpful and we play well with others are some of our Golden Rules so if you can reinforce these at home and give some gentle reminders, I would very much appreciate it.  Hurting others will not be tolerated at St Mary's so it is important that the children know they can come to me if they have been hurt.  It is also important that when frustration arises, as it often does in a class full of 5 year olds, that the child feels he/she can come to me so I can help then find a way to move past the problem without the need for hitting etc.
Many thanks

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