Tuesday 25 June 2013


A few quick reminders for the rest of the week....

*We have photos tomorrow morning.  Please ensure the children are in their correct uniform and that they have their school jersey with them.  Hair tied back for girls please.

*Thursday is our Annual Junior Cross Country race.  As you know we have been training hard for weeks so please come along and watch us clean up!   The racing will start at 11am.

*We will be spending some time this week finishing tasks for the Portfolio's which will be coming home soon.  If your child brings a book home that is not their usual level or you believe it is just too hard, please read it to them and talk about it with them.  Sometimes when there is a lot happening at school, we do not get through all the reading groups and some children may have either chosen their own text or been given a book we have not yet gone over together.

*A huge thank you to Claudine and her whanau, Whaea Tina and Whaea Andrea as well as Jess,  Heidi. and Angela.   We have had a super duper day making bread and we just could not have done it without you.  I am so lucky to have such amazing parents and support people in Room 13.    The children loved it.

Our McDonalds fun trip will probably be in Week 10 on Thursday.  More information will follow and you are all welcome to come along for a happy meal and a play.

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