Monday 27 May 2013


Last night Mrs Donovan, a very special past teacher of St Mary's passed away.  Everyone here is feeling a bit sad and so today at prayer time we talked about her and asked God to take her to Heaven to be with him.  The children's prayers were so thoughtful and lovely, I was very proud of them.  Miss Donovan, her daughter does our classroom release on Monday mornings so the children also said some lovely prayers for her.  Perhaps tonight your families could have a quiet word with God on her behalf.  We are also praying for Tara Chapman and her family in class at present.  The children are very reverent and prayerful when it comes to someone who is sick, they have shown their gorgeous Catholic Character so well.

Today we were discussing the gifts of the Holy Spirit and what they look like in our behaviour.  You can see their ideas and their lovely photos on the hall foyer wall.  It is Room 13's job to keep the foyer looking interesting and colourful, your children are likely to feature a fair bit there.  Keep talking to them about the things that show the Holy Spirit is in their heart, it helps them remember the right thing to do.


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