Thursday 18 April 2013

Last Word

Hi parents and whanau, I have been a little remiss when filling in the blog over the last couple of weeks. The usual end of term business has got the better of me. We have been engaging in some lovely learning though and the children are continuing to make me proud, showing how awesome they are. Last week we began a short unit on Jack and the Beanstalk. We were focusing on retelling a story we know well in our own words, being careful to acknowledge that these stories are made up and have a beginning a middle and an end. We have an awesome beanstalk in Room 13 and now Jack and the Giant are hanging from it. We also had a cool disco for Golden time last week and I enjoyed very much watching your little movers show their stuff. It was gorgeous and quite hilarious too. Once again I am having some trouble uploading photos onto our blog. As soon as I can, I will put some photos on. The children are well and truly ready for a break. Just this week some have been having trouble keeping their hands to themselves. Nothing major and a nice holiday at home will remedy it, I am sure. Tomorrow we will be having a fun day looking at ANZAC day, making poppies, talking about its meaning and of course, baking anzac biscuits. Hopefully it will be a nice ending to our very busy term. I hope you all have a wonderful, restful time with your children and I look forward to seeing you all back next term raring to go. God Bless Annie

Don showed us some great break dancing!  Cool.
The girls are a little more reserved.
DJ shows us his mean moves.  Awesome!
Aarav had some cool break dancing moves too!

1 comment:

  1. Say no more re:velcro shoes!!!! What an awesome end to the term.

