Tuesday 27 August 2013

Superhero readers!

Wow! We have some fantastic readers in Room 13 and recent testing has shown that some of our readers are already reading at National Standards for 1 Year at school.  I am so proud of all the children and would like to celebrate the success of these super hero readers....

Dylan, Aarav, Max and Maiah are already reading at National Standards for 1 Year at school.  WOW, CLEVER! 

Monday 12 August 2013

Making Kebabs

Last week Whaea Tania made kebabs with the children as part of their Procedural writing unit.  They had to learn a process, practice it then write about it using a particular format.  The children loved making and eating the kebabs and have cleverly explained what they did to achieve the desired outcome - YUMMY KAI!
Here are some pics.....

Lots of concentration needed here - Saya and Kennedy.

First a marshmello, then a grape.....

Putting the kebabs together, Ella and Molly.
Jayda enjoying her kebab.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

DJ's Dad

Last term DJ's Dad came to school and showed us his cool Navy uniform.  He also told us lots of information about his job on the ship and we asked him loads of questions.  It was so nice for DJ to have his Dad with us at school and we enjoyed learning some things about what it takes to be a Navy Sailor.  We have been thinking about what we want to be when we grow up...perhaps some of us will be in the Navy like Darren.

Planting Pansies

On Friday we were lucky enough to have Lou, Imogen's Mum, come and plant pansies with us for Golden  Time.  What a cool time we had, painting our pots, planting our pansies and completing a fun worksheet which ordered the tasks we had completed.  Room 13 are sooooo lucky, we have the best parent helpers in the whole school.  Here are some pics of what we did.....