Monday 8 July 2013

Cross Country Race

We finally held our Cross Country Race on Thursday, in freezing conditions.  After all our practice, it was awesome showing our amazing running talents.  We had some place getters in Room 13 and everyone did their very best.  Mrs Russell was so proud of us!
It was a freezing day and we were worried that the cold might stop us running fast, but not Room13.  Everyone gave it their best go and we all ran the whole way without stopping.  Yipee for us!

Monday 1 July 2013

Baking Bread

We had an exciting week last week with bread making, cross country running and then Mass on Sunday. Thank you to all the parents who brought their children to Mass.  It was so lovely to see and Father Mark agreed it would be so nice if the Church was full like that every Sunday.

We were lucky enough to have Claudine Bradley and her whanau in last week to make bread with us.  Bread making is a family tradition handed down from Molly's Nana and we used it as an introduction to Matariki and Maori language week.  The children had a ball and enjoyed a delicious lunch of hot bread, butter and jam and hot soup.  We are so grateful to Claudine, Whaea Tina, Whaea Andrea and Molly's cousin who also helped for giving up their precious time to spend some special time with us at school.  What a super whanau you have Molly.  Ka rawe!

It was pretty busy in the kitchen.

It was fun kneading the bread.  We got flour everywhere!

We enjoyed getting our hands in the flour.

We made a bit of a mess but it was such fun.

We waited patiently for our yummy, warm bread.